Tate Hermanson, Vice President Finance

  • M.B.A., University of Colorado (2013)

  • B.S., Finance, University of Colorado

Tate has 20 years of experience overseeing the finance and accounting aspects of gene and cell therapy development. He specializes in managing finances and accounting for healthcare related businesses, helping them make efficient use of capital to achieve the best outcomes for patients. In addition to his work at RheumaGen, Tate is also the Director of Finance for the Department of Medicine at the University of Colorado. He has participated in or led many special projects for CU, including serving as chair of the Division Administration Leadership Committee, serving on the Steering Committee on Community Healthcare Analytics, developing a system for gender pay equity in medicine, and participating in the Staff Mentorship Program Leadership Council. Tate was awarded the “Do the Right Thing Award” from the Controller of CU.

When not helping companies and CU finance innovative medical research, Tate serves the community through his church and community outreach programs, trains in jiu jitsu, and spends time with his wife and three children.